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Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)


GATE Teachers for 2021-2022: 
3rd Grade: Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Perotti, Mrs. Polyzos, Mrs. Vasconi
4th Grader: Ms. Buhler, Mr. Hewett, Mrs. Kay, Mrs. Sayers
5th Grade: Mrs. Crosthwait, Mrs. Lo, Mrs. Maghami, Mrs. Miller
Identification and Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Information
San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) uses the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Form 7 to identify students eligible for the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program. This test consists of three batteries which measure verbal, quantitative and nonverbal abilities. To be considered for SRVUSD GATE identification, a student whose National Age Composite Percentile Rank is at 98 or above is considered.  Additionally, a student whose National Age Composite Percentile Rank is 97 AND has scored a 99 in ONE of the three areas (Verbal, Quantitative or Non Verbal), will be considered for GATE identification. Our district does not recommend any materials for CogAT preparation. Students are encouraged to take the CogAT with minimal test preparation so that we get an accurate measure of the students' reasoning abilities.
CogAT Testing for Grade 2: All 2nd grade students are administered the CogAT in their classrooms. The Grade 2 CogAT is administered in February of each school year.
CogAT for Grades 3-7: An optional CogAT exam will be offered on Saturday, January 29, 2022.

Registration opens this Tuesday, Oct. 19 and will close on Nov. 12.

Space fills up quickly. Be sure to register early.   
SRVUSD will be offering the CogAT exam for all students new to the district who have never taken it and for 3rd and 4th grade students who have taken it once previously and would like another try. The CogAT exam is used for Gate identification and ATP eligibility. Register from October 19 to November 12 on the Gate Testing page of the district website. Late registrations will not be accepted. All families in grades 3-7 should have also received this email from the District with additional information. 
New Students in Grades 3-8 Previously Identified as Gifted in Former District: Previously identified gifted students who enter SRVUSD are considered for GATE identification as determined by the SRVUSD's GATE identification criteria. Parents should provide their student’s GATE identification paperwork to their school office. The paperwork needs to include: 1. document that certifies that the student was in a gifted program, and 2. name of assessment measure(s) and student’s scores used to qualify the student for GATE. Please contact Hanna Ma if you have questions.


Sycamore GATE Students
We provide many opportunities to help challenge our GATE and high achieving students.  Parents of GATE students, please refer to the documents below for more specific information on your child's learning experience at Sycamore.  
GATE Qualification/Testing
Based on CogAT testing from fall of 2007 forward, to be considered for SRVUSD GATE identification, a student's CogAT age-related Composite score must be at the 98 th percentile or above OR a student must have an age-related Composite score at the 97th percentile with an age-related score at the 99th percentile in at least one of the test's three batteries (Verbal, Quantitative, Nonverbal).
All 2nd grade students are administered the CogAT (Cognitive Abilties Test) during the third trimester. This test consists of three batteries which measure verbal, quantitative and nonverbal abiltities.


Click here for a link to district information on GATE identification and resources.


School Representative:
Margrette Wui, MTSS
Parent Representative:
Rita Birk:


Please follow this link to access the PTA GATE / SLAM Extension Programs;